Android Talks – Third Edition

February 17 was the date of the third edition of Android Talks, our regular meetup about making Android applications. It was a rainy evening after work, at Nest Collective in Coimbra.


We started with Daniela Fontes and Thomas Papa, the team behing LynxVR, a company that makes VR experiences for wider audiences. Their talk, "Making Apps for Google Cardboard", was an introduction to the design, development and business challenges of building applications for Google Cardboard. From VR Design Principles to thermal issues and the global VR ecosystem.

Next, Rui Magalhães, mobile developer at Whitesmith, kickstarted a discussion around how to "Make your app adapt". He shared technical best practices for Android resources and code, so your apps can look good on all devices, plus some examples from well known apps.


If you're interested in joining us next time, keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter profiles.