Android Talks – Second Edition
Last Wednesday, December 16, we hosted the second edition of Android Talks. After a successful first edition, we decided to keep organizing it every two months.
We started with Ana Ferreira, the Head of Design Todoist, telling us about "The Materialization of Design". She described how the team went from Google's release of Material Design, to the re-design and release of a new version of Todoist. An app that ended up being featured as an Editors' Choice in the Google Play Store.
Miguel Monteiro, CTO of, closed with a talk about managing dozens of apps. JiTT is a collection of apps for business travelers, featuring personalized guides for more than 20 cities and 8 languages. He gave insights on how to share code in between apps, and the challenges of developing, publishing and doing quality assurance on the many Chinese Android stores available.
(The slides are only about the JiTT apps)