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Introducing our new QR Friend app

TLDR: We released a new app for scanning QR codes: QR Friend.

For a while, Sérgio was using an older Android phone. The camera didn’t have access to Google Lens, or have any other way for reading QR codes. That meant searching on Google Play for an alternative. But he couldn’t find a decent app from all the search results. They all looked alike, and were either outdated, or riddled with ads and unnecessary features. So we decided to build one ourselves.

We built something works quickly and intuitively. No ads, accounts or shady data collection. And it supports almost all QR codes you throw at it: WiFi, contact information, GPS location, barcodes, and more. You can browse your past scans, and pin your favorites.

For those seeking extra features, we offer a premium subscription. Besides dark mode and dynamic theming (Android 12+), we check if the link on the QR code you just scanned is safe, before you open it. We’re using Google’s Web Risk service for that currently.

Here’s how it looks: