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Introducing Germana, our latest colleague

Hello, my name is Germana, I’m 42 years old and I’m from Coimbra. I hold a Degree in Modern Languages and Literature and a Masters Degree in Specialized Translation and Interpreting. The areas that I have always worked with are teaching, translation and culture. 

The position that Bloco opened was nothing but a challenge :) Digital marketing? Copy? BizDev? 🤯 It has been a good adventure and the challenge is nothing but a breath of fresh air! I’m thankful to be living this experience. The future… well the future is right now!

– Tell me something about yourself that I can’t find out on Google!

Google doesn’t know that I have an obsession over zinnias. They are  very colorful flowers and my mom’s garden looks like a rainbow when they’re in bloom. Google knows everything else 😳

– Who do you admire?

Lot’s of people but my mom is on the top of the list followed by Frida Kahlo, Helen Keller, Chimamanda Adichie…Basically women who had to overcome hardships and made it through thanks to their intelligence, sense, sensibility and strength.

– What do you do when you’re not working?

I’m knitting, pencil drawing (I can’t really draw), nephew sitting, birdwatching, getting involved with Milvoz’s activities, the Viola Toeira project… I’m never bored!

– What’s your favorite part of your current or previous job? 

My favourite part of my current job is being able to work in a project that is completely new to me and which takes me out of my comfort zone. It is absolutely vital and I wish I had realized earlier how important it is to challenge oneself constantly. I’m also learning about digital marketing, which is something I never dreamed I would be doing!

– What’s your secret superpower? 

I’m very good with people. I guess you could say I’m a people person. Knowing people is an asset, for it can open or close lots of doors and save you from many headaches. Whole projects can be undermined if the wrong people work together. Good energy is essential for a healthy work environment.

– What’s the shittiest job you’ve ever had? 

Ugh the memories…twenty-five years ago at Midtown Pharmacy. My first job, not familiarized at all with the labour market and the english language was a challenge back then.

– How do you organize your closet? 

I sort it out by season. I group the pants, shirts, dresses together and that’s it.

– What is an article or book you read recently that changed your mind about something? 

Two spiritual leaders have taught me valuable lessons that I always try to use on a daily basis: being in the present moment as much as I can, breathing right, observing one’s thoughts and especially your Ego. They are Thick Nhat Hanh and Eckhart Tolle. 

– If you had a magic wand, what would you like to be known for? 

The ability to point out everyone's mission in life. It seems easy but sometimes it takes a whole life to figure out what really makes one happy and fulfilled.

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