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Introducing The Product Garage Party

Hello, we have big news!

We're organizing a party to launch new bootstrapped products: The Product Garage Party. Six companies around us will presenter new products on October 1st, in a big and awesome garage in Coimbra.

But before we tell you more about it, here's why we're doing this...

Our reason for starting Bloco was to help others build their products, while learning in the process. And we want to launch our own products, by reinvesting the money we make. So, we decided to create the event we wanted to take part in, when we have a new product to launch.

Here are our 3 main goals:

Give visibility to bootstrapped businesses

Too much attention is given to VC backed companies, their rounds of financing, big teams and large bets. But having external funding it's not the only way to build a business. We want to highlight those that start things sustainably and show others there are alternative ways.

Build a community around making

Our motivation comes from seeing great products made by people around us. We want to foster a community around that. Rather than just talking about it, we want more people making cool stuff and showing it off.

Help reach the finish line

Building products, specially bootstrapped, requires an enormous effort from teams. We’re talking about small teams, working part-time or after hours to make it happen. Having a deadline, like a scheduled launch date, helps teams focus. And since it’s a launch party, it allows teams to celebrate the well spent effort.

Now, about the party. There will be product booths and presentations. We'll have kiosks with indie magazines, food, specialty coffee and craft beer. We’ll have a lounge area with ping pong table, a DJ and other surprises. All to make that Saturday fun and interesting for everyone participating.

Entrance is open and free to anyone, of course. We hope to see you there 😉